Plus, really I do not need to see the Month. Date & Time and Mini Calendar, but the the “target / clickable’ area is a much smaller area than if Mini Calendar would display it all. So again I realize a person could get pretty close if using a combination of System Preferences. So that the date would be in the cool lil’ ‘Calendar Icon’ like Mon 1:09 PM Date. Now I’ve only got one thing I’d still love to see changed.Ī) This is purely a personal ticky tack thing…but it would nice if three (3) Options could be selected at the same time ‘Calendar Icon’, 'Digital Clock > Display Date and Time’ and also chehck the ’Show the day of the week'. So now that the Sunrise and Sunset item is all super cool now with a regular 12 hour AM/PM clock… This is exactly what I was looking for to replace my old and aging, but beloved MenuCalendarClock from the old Objectpark folks (old 2012 app that had started to get slower and slower, spinning Beach Ball since El Capitan).
I also love the few features that make it really practical, too (like the ability to jump forwards or backwards years or months at a time with having to hit Forward and Backward buttons like an Atari Game Console Fire button)! -)
Thanks so much for a VERY nice super simple Menu Calendar.